Ring to the door 8234 and bell
write in Google maps
Rubina Ranas gate 1, 0190 Oslo
(by Google maps)
Two alternatives:

When me or my friend is at home we meet you in front of the entrance to the apartment or you just need to press bell number: 8234 + bell. Go to the elevator and press floor 3 then go out and open left door. And first door on the left - it is apartment door (on door, top left corner, small letters: (Rubina Ranas gate 1, H0304 ) . On google maps search for: Rubina Ranas gate 1, 0190 Oslo

If we are not home, I put the keys from the apartment on closed parking place near apartment (1 min walk). I will send pictures with instructions. Parking number: 153 . You pick up the keys, enter main door with key magnet and then on 3rd floor use other key to enter the apartment. Follow instructions above to find the apartment. Then when you are inside: small second room on the right is your room :) Welcome !

Albert Bright
So if we are not meeting you, keys you can pick up here:
open this door
door to the apartment
entrance to the apartment
Contact me
Phone/WhatsApp/Viber: +47 4666 6661
Email: albert777.bright@gmail.com